DO NOT REMOVE THIS LABELCOMPRESSED GASES, N.O.S.CARBON DIOXIDE, %AIR, BALANCE, %UN 1956 CO2, Air NON-FLAMMABLE GAS 2Medical Gas MixtureGravimetric Analyzed Batch AnalyzedCUATION: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription.WARNING: Administration of this gas mixture may be hazardous or contraindicated. For use only by or under the supervision of licensed practitioner who is experienced in the use and administration of gas mixtures and is familiar with the indications, effects, dosages, methods, and frequency and duration of administration, and with the hazards, contraindications, and side effects and the precautions to be taken.CAUTION: HIGH PRESSURE GAS. OXYGEN RICH MIXTURES CAN VIGOROUSLY ACCELERATE COMBUSTION. STORE AND USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. USE EQUIPMENT RATED FOR CYLINDER PRESSURE. OPEN VALVE SLOWLY. KEEP OIL AND GREASE AWAY AND USE EQUIPMENT CLEANED FOR OXYGEN SERVICE. CYLINDER TEMPERATURE SHOULD NOT EXCEED 125F (52C). MIXTURES CONTAINING CARBON DIOXIDE COULD CONDENSE AT LOW TEMPERATURES. CLOSE VAVLE TIGHTLY AND REPLACE CYLINDER CAP WHEN NOT IN USE AND WHEN EMPTY. USE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MED-TECH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS.GASES USED TO PREPARE THIS MIXTURE MEET USP SPECIFICATIONS.ALL CONCENTRATIONS ARE EXPRESSED AS MOL/MOL OR VOL/VOL.1994MEDTECH Since 1961Medical-Technical Gases, Inc.20 Hall Street, Medford, MA 02155617-395-1946 FAX 617-395-9098. MedTech Comp Gas1 Label.
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