monensin 🐶 Veterinary Use | Indications/Contra | FAERs-F | FAERs-M | Orange Bk | BioActivity |

Stem definitionDrug idCAS RN
5580 17090-79-8



Molfile Inchi Smiles


  • monensin
  • A-3823A
  • monensin sodium
  • monensin usp
An antiprotozoal agent produced by Streptomyces cinnamonensis. It exerts its effect during the development of first-generation trophozoites into first-generation schizonts within the intestinal epithelial cells. It does not interfere with hosts development of acquired immunity to the majority of coccidial species. Monensin is sodium and proton selective ionophore and is widely used as such in biochemical studies
  • Molecular weight: 670.88
  • Formula: C36H62O11
  • CLOGP: 3.14
  • HAC: 11
  • HDO: 4
  • TPSA: 153.37
  • ALOGS: -5.03
  • ROTB: 10

Drug dosage:


ADMET properties:



None FDA

FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (Female)


FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (Male)


FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (Geriatric)


FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (Pediatric)


Pharmacologic Action:

MeSH PA D000890 Anti-Infective Agents
MeSH PA D000935 Antifungal Agents
MeSH PA D000977 Antiparasitic Agents
MeSH PA D000981 Antiprotozoal Agents
MeSH PA D003049 Coccidiostats
MeSH PA D004791 Enzyme Inhibitors
MeSH PA D007476 Ionophores
MeSH PA D049990 Membrane Transport Modulators
MeSH PA D061209 Proton Ionophores
MeSH PA D061210 Sodium Ionophores
MeSH PA D014475 Uncoupling Agents
CHEBI has role CHEBI:24869 ionophores
CHEBI has role CHEBI:35718 antifungal agents
CHEBI has role CHEBI:35818 coccidiostats

Drug Use | Suggest Off label Use Form| |View source of the data|


🐶 Veterinary Drug Use

Chickens Prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria necatrix Indication
Chickens Prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella Indication
Chickens Prevention of coccidiosis caused by E acervulina Indication
Chickens Prevention of coccidiosis caused by E brunetti Indication
Chickens Prevention of coccidiosis caused by E mivati Indication
Chickens Prevention of coccidiosis caused by E maxima Indication
Turkeys Prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria adenoeides Indication
Turkeys Prevention of coccidiosis caused by Emeleagrimitis Indication
Turkeys Prevention of coccidiosis caused by E gallopavonis Indication
Quail Prevention of coccidiosis in growing Bobwhite quail caused by Eimeria dispersa Indication
Quail Prevention of coccidiosis in growing Bobwhite quail caused by E lettyae Indication

🐶 Veterinary products

Coban 60, Coban 90 Elanco US Inc. 1
Coban plus Baciferm Elanco US Inc. 2
Coban plus BMD Elanco US Inc. 2
Rumensin 90 Elanco US Inc. 1
Flavomycin / Monensin Huvepharma EOOD 2
Coban/TM Phibro Animal Health Corp. 2
Rumensin and Tylan Elanco US Inc. 2
Sweetlix Rumensin Pressed Block Ridley USA Inc. 1
MoorMans Mintrate Blonde Block RU ADM Animal Nutrition 1
Pasture Gainer Block 20 R350, Pasture Gainer Block 20 R350 No SE, Pasture Gainer Block 37 R350, Pasture Gainer Block 37 R350 No SE Purina Animal Nutrition LLC 1
Cattle Block M Wildcat Feeds 1
Aureomycin / Coban Zoetis Inc. 2
MGA 100-200 / Rumensin, MGA 100-200 Premix / Rumensin Zoetis Inc. 2
MGA 500 plus Rumensin Zoetis Inc. 2
Coban Elanco US Inc. 1
Albac / Coban Zoetis Inc. 2
Coban / BMD Zoetis Inc. 2
MGA and Rumensin and Tylan Zoetis Inc. 3
BMD / Coban Elanco US Inc. 2
Coban / Flavomycin Elanco US Inc. 2
BMD / Coban Zoetis Inc. 2
Deccox / Rumensin Zoetis Inc. 2
Deccox and Rumensin and Tylan Zoetis Inc. 3
Optaflexx and Rumensin and Tylan Elanco US Inc. 3
Optaflexx plus Rumensin Elanco US Inc. 2
Optaflexx and Rumensin and Tylanand MGA Elanco US Inc. 4
Optaflexx / Rumensin / MGA Elanco US Inc. 3
Zilmax and Rumensin and Tylan Intervet Inc. 3
Zilmax plus Rumensin Intervet Inc. 2
Zilmax and Rumensin and Tylan and MGA Intervet Inc. 4
Zilmax/Rumensin/MGA Intervet Inc. 3
Topmax plus Coban Elanco US Inc. 2
Pulmotil 90 and Rumensin 90 Elanco US Inc. 2
Stafac and Coban Phibro Animal Health Corp. 2
Inteprity and Coban Elanco US Inc. 2
Coban and LINCOMIX Zoetis Inc. 2
Experior and Rumensin and Tylan Elanco US Inc. 3
Experior and Rumensin Elanco US Inc. 2
Pennitracin MD and Coban Pharmgate Inc. 2
ChlorMax / Coban Zoetis Inc. 2
Pennchlor / Coban Pharmgate Inc. 2
HeifermaX 500 / Rumensin / Tylan Elanco US Inc. 3
Heifermax 500 Liquid Premix and Rumensin Elanco US Inc. 2
Heifermax / Optaflexx / Rumensin / Tylan Elanco US Inc. 4
Heifermax 500/Optaflexx/Rumensin Elanco US Inc. 3
Heifermax 500/Zilmax/Rumensin Elanco US Inc. 3
Heifermax 500/Zilmax/Rumensin/Tylan Elanco US Inc. 4
Rumensin plus Tylovet 100 Huvepharma EOOD 2
Deccox, Rumensin, and Tylovet 100 Huvepharma EOOD 3
MGA, Rumensin and Tylovet 100 Huvepharma EOOD 3
Zilmax/Rumensin/Tylovet 100/MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
Zilmax/Rumensin/Tylovet 100 Huvepharma EOOD 3
Actogain 45 plus Rumensin Zoetis Inc. 2
Actogain 45/Rumensin/MGA Zoetis Inc. 3
Actogain 45/Rumensin/Tylan Zoetis Inc. 3
Actogain 45/Rumensin/Tylan/MGA Zoetis Inc. 4
Optaflexx 45/Rumensin/Tylovet 100 Huvepharma EOOD 3
Optaflexx 45/Rumensin/Tylovet 100/MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
Actogain 45/Rumensin/Tylovet 100/MGA Zoetis Inc. 4
Actogain 45/Rumensin/Tylovet 100 Zoetis Inc. 3
Tilmovet 90 and Rumensin 90 Huvepharma EOOD 2
Monovet 90 Huvepharma EOOD 1
Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Monovet and Tylan Huvepharma EOOD 2
Optaflexxand Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 3
Actogain and Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 3
Optaflexxand Monovet and Tylan Huvepharma EOOD 3
Actogain and Monovet and Tylan Huvepharma EOOD 3
Optaflexx and Monovet and Tylovet and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
Actogain and Monovet and Tylovet and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
Optaflexx and Monovet and Tylan and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
Actogain and Monovet and Tylan and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
Deccox and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Deccox and Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 3
Tilmovet and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Pulmotil and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Deccox and Monovet and Tylan Huvepharma EOOD 3
MGA and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Actogain and Monovet and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 3
MGA and Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 3
MGA and Monovet and Tylan Huvepharma EOOD 3
Actogain and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Optigrid and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 2
Optigrid and Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 3
Optigrid and Monovet and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 3
Optigrid and Monovet and Tylovet and MGA Huvepharma EOOD 4
CycleGuard and Monovet Huvepharma EOOD 1
Optigrid and Monovet and CycleGuard Huvepharma EOOD 3
CycleGuard and Monovet and Tylovet Huvepharma EOOD 3
Optigrid and Monovet and Tylovet and CycleGuard Huvepharma EOOD 4

Acid dissociation constants calculated using MoKa v3.0.0


Orange Book patent data (new drug applications)


Orange Book exclusivity data (new drug applications)


Bioactivity Summary:


External reference:

C0026408 UMLSCUI
2501 INN_ID
96160009 SNOMEDCT_US
1368208 RXNORM

Pharmaceutical products:
